The Social Security Administration has recently proposed changes to the Listings of Impairments. One way for claimants to prove disability is to meet or equal the specific criteria identified in the Listing for their medical condition. On February 25, 2014, the Social Security Administration issued a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (“NPRM”) to the neurological disorders listings to modify the criteria for evaluating disorders such as multiple sclerosis and seizures. On February 26, 2014, the Social Security Administration issued an NPRM which proposes changes to the evaluation of immune system disorders, including HIV. The Administration has also proposed changes in recent months to the Listings for various forms of cancers, as well as the first revision to the Listing for hematological disorders since 1985, to reflect advancements in medical knowledge and treatment.
Many of the proposed changes to the Listings would make the criteria to satisfy a Listing more stringent. For example, under the proposed changes, an individual with seizures would need to prove more regularity in the occurrence of their seizures than currently required. In the face of all these changes, one thing is clear: it is more important than ever for claimants to make sure they have the necessary medical and vocation evidence, and hire an experienced social security disability attorney who is familiar with the evolving law and can apply the law to the medical facts of your case.